I’m not lying: I think I have a beautiful Travel & Destinations blog. (If you’re here, you probably will too.) I work hard to offer great practical travel advice to help you travel better, but I’m not the only great travel blogger out there. Actually – and I know it can be shocking – there’s a lot about travel that I’m not an expert at. Family travel? No idea. Traveling as a woman? Ignorance. Information about the hotel? Nominal. Photography? If I count, I can turn on my camera. Food specialist? Just time to eat it.
I realized that it’s been a while since I last talked about the best travel blogs I’ve read – so I took a moment to highlight my favorite travel blogs that can help you get a better, cheaper trip. , And smart. There are so many good blogs out there, I think I’ve been pointing them out for a long time:
In addition to being one of my all-time favorite people in the world, Jody is a great blogger who often writes about food and culture. She spends a lot of time on the street eating, taking pictures of mouth-watering which makes me excited about her ability to do. A former lawyer, he also wrote a series called “Thrilling Hours” about other lawyers who have given up being corporate lucky for life on the streets.
If there was a contest for the best travel blog, I would tell everyone to vote for me. Then I go to vote for Audrey and Dan. They tell heartwarming stories and take pictures out of the incredible, world. Their blogs focus on cultural travel and sustainability issues (they even work with the United Nations Global Sustainable Tourism Council). I focus on the nuts and bolts of the places to go, where they focus on people. They are just great storytellers.…